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소형표적에 대한 합동 해안경계시스템 작전효과 분석방법 연구
A Study on the Analysis Method of the Operations Effectiveness of the Joint Coastal Guard System Against Small Targets 원문보기

정보처리학회논문지. KIPS transactions on computer and communication systems 컴퓨터 및 통신 시스템, v.11 no.2, 2022년, pp.59 - 66  

김태호 (숭실대학교 IT정책경영학과) ,  한현진 (한미연합군사령부) ,  이병호 (숭실대학교 IT정책경영학과) ,  신용태 (숭실대학교 컴퓨터학부)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

합동 해안경계시스템은 해상경계시스템과 해안대침투경계시스템으로 구성되며 주로 해군이 해상경계를, 육군이 해안대침투경계를 책임지고 있는 시스템이다. 육군 및 해군의 다양한 무기체계가 복합적으로 운용되는 합동 해안경계시스템이 소형표적을 대상으로 어느 정도의 성공적인 작전수행이 가능한지에 대한 작전효과를 분석하였다. 작전효과 분석은 작전형태별 작전효과 정의, METT-T 요소를 활용한 모의환경 구성과 모의 시나리오 가정 수립, 모의실시 및 기상상태별 모의결과 분석으로 진행되었고 시뮬레이션 도구는 NORAM(해군작전 및 자원소요분석모델)과 EADSIM(통합방공작전분석모델)을 사용하였다. 작전효과 분석결과, 현재 운용중인 합동 해안경계시스템은 표적의 크기와 기상상태에 따라 작전성공에 상당한 차이를 보였다. 연구결과는 효과적인 합동 해안경계시스템을 구축하고 체계적인 경계작전을 수행하는데 유용한 자료로 활용될 수 있다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Joint Coastal Guard System is composed of a maritime surveillance system and a anti-coastal infiltration system, and is a system in which the Navy is mainly responsible for the maritime and the Army is responsible for the coast. We analyzed the operations effectiveness of the joint coastal guard...


표/그림 (12)

참고문헌 (15)

  1. H. J. Han, "Defense AI, a comprehension of the result of a simulation analysis," ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff, Vol.70, pp.36-40, 2017. 

  2. Y. J. Ha, "A study on the effectiveness analysis of counter-long range artillery using monte-carlo simulation," Journal of the Military Operations Research Society of Korea, Vol.45, Iss.2, pp.56-70, 2019. 

  3. N. S. An, "Framework for effect analysis of firing weapon system using mathematical programming," Journal of the Military Operations Research Society of Korea, Vol.45, Iss.2, pp.37-44, 2019. 

  4. J. M. Lee, "The methodology for estimating munitions effectiveness of domestic developed weapon systems," Journal of the Military Operations Research Society of Korea, Vol.44, Iss.2, pp.21-31, 2018. 

  5. T. H. Kim, "Analysis techniques and cases of the operations effectiveness in planning phase analysis and evaluation," 2019 Defense Analysis and Evaluation Symposium, 2019. 

  6. H. J. Han, "An analysis method of operations effectiveness for a new weapon system using defense," The 19th ROK-US Defense Analysis Exchange, 2018. 

  7. ROK JCS, "Development Direction for Defense M&S," 2011. 

  8. ROK JCS, "List of Defense Wargame Simulation Model," 2015. 

  9. ROK Navy, "User Manual of NORAM," 2019. 

  10. C. H. Park, "A study on the design and evaluation of combat scenario model in M&S based naval warfighting experimentation," Ph.D. dissertation, Kongju National University, Korea, 2018. 

  11. K. C. Ok, D. S. Yim, and B. W. Choi, "A case study on implementation of methodology for wartime warships damage rate estimation," Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology, Vol.20, No.1, pp.137-147, 2017. 

  12. Y. C. Jang, C. Y. Kim, S. H. Kim, H. S. Myung, C. K. Ji, and Y. S. Hong, "The system development of the interoperability EADSIM and virtual combat simulation model," in Proceedings of the The Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, pp.1055-1058, 2013. 

  13. H. C. Lee and M. G. Lee, "A model for search and detection of maritime small targets and its operation procedure," Journal of the Korean Journal of Military Arts and Science, Vol.77, No.3, pp.405-424, 2021. 

  14. B. G. Han, S. J. Kim, H. S. Yoon, and E. B. Lee, "A study on coastal guard system at risk basis," in Proceedings of the The Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, pp.183-192, 2010. 

  15. Lewis B. Wetzel, "Sea clutter, radar handbook," Chap.15, pp.15-16, 2008. 

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