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[국내논문] 한국 내 공공보건의료 개념의 문제점과 재설정
Problems and Reconsideration of the Concept of Public Health Care (Public Health and Medical Services) in South Korea 원문보기

의학교육논단 = Korean medical education review, v.24 no.1, 2022년, pp.3 - 9  

성종호 (청아 정신건강의학과의원) ,  김정하 (중앙대학교 의과대학 가정의학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The concept of "public health care (public health and medical services)" as discussed in South Korea is used in an unclear sense, with a meaning unlike the terminology used worldwide. The terms "public health care (public health and medical services)" and "health care (health and medical services)" ...


참고문헌 (38)

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