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개미 둥지에 서식하는 한국 미기록속 Ippa Walker (나비목, 곡식좀나방과)에 대한 보고
First Record of the Myrmecophilous Tineid Moths, the Genus Ippa Walker (Lepidoptera, Tineidae) 원문보기

한국응용곤충학회지 = Korean journal of applied entomology, v.61 no.3, 2022년, pp.497 - 502  

이동준 (국립호남권생물자원관 동물자원연구부) ,  동민수 (강원대학교 응용생물학과) ,  김기경 (국립생물자원관) ,  안능호 (국립생물자원관) ,  이봉우 (국립수목원 광릉숲복원센터) ,  배양섭 (인천대학교 생명과학부)


Ippa conspersa (Matsumura, 1931)를 포함한 Ippa Walker, 1864 속의 한국 분포를 최초로 확인하였다. I. conspera의 유충은 Lasius (Lasius) spp. 와 같은 몇몇 개미류를 포식하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이번 연구를 통하여 한국산 I. conspera의 성충 및 암수 생식기, 유충의 외부 형태를 기재하고 도판을 제시하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The genus Ippa Walker, 1864 is reported for the first time from Korea, with a species I. conspersa (Matsumura, 1931). I. conspersa is generally known as myrmecophiles having ecological relationships with some ant species such as Lasius spp. Photographs of adults, immature stages, and the genitalia o...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (18)

  1. Capuse, J., 1968. Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romania; volume 11. Insecta (9), Fam. Tineidae Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, Bucuresti, p. 462. 

  2. Chretien, P., 1905. Histoire naturelle de la Promasia ataxella Chret. Le Naturaliste 27, 257-259. 

  3. Common, I.F.B., 1987. Clearing, staining and mounting wings of Microlepidoptera. News Bull. ent. Soc. Qd. 14, 133-134. 

  4. Gozmany, L., Vari, L. 1973. The tineidae of the ethiopian region. Transv. Mus. Mem. 18, 1-238. 

  5. Latreille, P.A., 1810. Considerations Generales sur L'Ordre Naturel des Animaux Composant les Classes des Crustaces, des Arachnides, et des Insectes: Avec un Tableau Methodique de Leurs Genres, Disposes en familles, F. Schoell, Paris, p. 444. 

  6. Matsumura, S., 1931. 6000 Illustrated Insects of Japan-Empire, Toko Shoin, Tokyo, p. 1496. 

  7. Meyrick, E., 1914. H. Sauters Formosa-Ausbeute, PterophoridaeAdelidae (Lep.). Supplta. Ent. 3, 45-62. 

  8. Meyrick, E., 1916. Exotic Microlepidoptera, 1. Taylor and Francis, London, p. 605. 

  9. Meyrick, E., 1919. Exotic Microlepidoptera, 2. Taylor and Francis, London, p. 256. 

  10. Meyrick, E., 1934. Exotic Microlepidoptera, 4. Taylor and Francis, London, p. 481. 

  11. Narukawa, J., Arai S., Toyoda, K., Kurosu, S., 2002. Gaphara cospersa (Lepidoptera), a tineid moth preying on ant larvae. Spec. Bull. Jpn. Soc. Coleopterol. 5, 453-460. 

  12. Robinson, G.S., 1976. The preparation of slides of Lepidoptera genitalia with special reference to the Microlepidoptera. Entomol. Gaz. 27, 127-132. 

  13. Robinson, G.S., Nielsen, E.S., 1993. Tineid Genera of Australia (Lepidoptera), Vol. 2, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, p. 344. 

  14. Robinson, G.S., Tuck, K.R., Shaffer, M., 1994. A Field Guide to the Smaller Moths of South-East Asia, Art Printing Works, Kuala Lumpur, p. 308. 

  15. Snellen, P.C.T., 1903. Beschrijvingen van nieuwe exotische Tortricinen, Tineinen, en Pterophorinen, benevens aanteekeningen over reeds bekend gemaakte soorten. Tijdschr. Entomol. 46, 28-30. 

  16. Walker, F., 1862. Mr. F. walker's characters of undescribed Lepidoptera in the collection of W. W. Saunders, Esq. Trans. Entomol. Soc. London 3, 70-128. 

  17. Walker, F., 1864. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum, 29. Tineites. Order of the Trustees, London, pp. 1-835. 

  18. Zagulyaev, A.K., 1975. Fauna SSSR Vol. 4 No. 5, Nastojashchiye moli (Tineidae), Podsemeystvo Myrmecozelinae, Nauka Publishers, Leningrad, p. 428. 

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