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공공 체험시설 건설사업 발주를 위한 공공 발주자 역할에 관한 연구
Role of Public Owner for Delivery of Public Experience Facility Construction Project 원문보기

한국건설관리학회논문집 = Korean journal of construction engineering and management, v.23 no.1, 2022년, pp.28 - 36  

송현장 (서울시립대학교 건축공학과) ,  이승훈 (건원엔지니어링) ,  김정훈 (한국건설기술연구원) ,  현창택 (서울시립대학교 건축공학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

국내에 대규모 거점 공공 체험시설이 건립된 이래로 최근 공공 체험시설 건설사업은 지방자치단체 또는 지방교육청이 단독 발주하거나, 협약하여 공동 발주하는 형태로 변화하고 있다. 특히, 발주 빈도가 적고, 건설사업관리 전문조직을 보유하지 못한 발주기관의 특성상 특화된 발주 프레임워크 개발과 함께 강화된 공공 발주자의 역할이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내의 공공 체험시설 건설사업 발주현황 및 운영실태를 조사하여 현행 공공 발주자 역할의 문제점과 개선방향을 도출하였다. 또한, 사업특성의 영향요인 및 속성정보를 반영한 추진단계와 기능별로 구성된 공공 체험시설 공공 발주자 역할 개선안을 제안하였다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Since the establishment of a large-scale public experience facility in Korea, the construction project of public experience facilities has recently changed to a form where local governments or local education offices place delivery alone or agreements. In particular, due to the low frequency of deli...


표/그림 (14)

참고문헌 (14)

  1. Land & Housing Institute (LH) (2017). Development and Application of LH Project Management Maturity Model for Enhancing the Role of Public Owner. 

  2. Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) (2019). Construction Project Management Method Review Standards and Business Performance Guidelines. 

  3. Park, H.T., and Park, C.S. (2016). "A Decision Support Model for Optimal Delivery of Public Construction Projects." Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, KICEM, 17(5), pp. 22-34. 

  4. Jung, Y.S., Woo, S.K., Park, J.H., Kang, S.H., Lee, Y.H., and Lee, B.N. (2004). "Evaluation of the Owners' CM Functions." Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, KICEM, 5(3), pp. 128-136. 

  5. Lee, H.L., Yu, J.H., and Lee, S.K. (2011). "Personal Competency Model of Construction Project Managers for Project Success." Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, AIKTS, 27(8), pp. 139-146. 

  6. Kim, C.G., and Chun, J.Y. (2008). "Influence Analysis of Project Delivery System for the Public Employer's Decision Making." Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, AIKTS, 24(11), pp. 163-171. 

  7. Kim, O.K. (2008). "A Study on Evaluation of Construction Project Owner's Organizational Competency." Doctoral dissertation, Inha University. 

  8. Han, Y.O. (2008). "The Effects of Project Managers' Competency on Project Performance." MS thesis, Soongsil University. 

  9. Han, I.D. (2007). "A Study on Method Activation of Construction Management through Investigation and Analysis of Owners' Capability Level." MS thesis, Hanyang University. 

  10. Construction & Economy Research Institute of Korea (CERIK) (2008). A Study on the Diagnosis and Improvement of Public Order Function and Role. 

  11. Construction & Economy Research Institute of Korea (CERIK) (1999). Work function and role division of construction project management. 

  12. Korea Institute of Procurement (KIP) (2018). Construction Order Guidebook. 

  13. Schexnayder, C.J., and Mayo, R.E. (2003). Construction Management Fundamentals, pp. 32-60. 

  14. Barrie, D.S., and Paulson, B.C. (1992). Professional Construction Management Including CM, Design-construct and General Contracting, 3rd Edition, pp. 170-173. 

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