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스텔라 맥카트니 패션에 나타난 비거니즘 특성
The characteristics of veganism in Stella McCartney's fashion 원문보기

The Research Journal of the Costume Culture = 복식문화연구, v.30 no.6, 2022년, pp.779 - 798  

이해임 (한양여자대학교 니트패션디자인과) ,  이연희 (한양대학교 의류학과 휴먼테크융합전공)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The purpose of this study was to propose the direction of veganism-based fashion design in environmental and animal protection through the theoretical consideration of vegan fashion and the analysis of the practical design characteristics of veganism in Stella McCartney's fashion. The research was c...


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