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[국내논문] 무인항공기용 프로펠러 형상에 따른 추력특성 해석
Analysis of Thrust Characteristics with Propeller Shape for UAV 원문보기

한국항공운항학회지 = Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics, v.30 no.4, 2022년, pp.57 - 64  

이수현 (청주대학교 융합신기술대학원) ,  조환기 (청주대학교 항공학부 항공운항학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A study on propllers for unmaned aerial vehicles is conducted using the open softwares. Since the shape of the propeller is closely related to the thurst characteristics of the propulsion system, adopting an appropriate propeller will significantly reflect stable aerodynamic performances. In this st...


참고문헌 (13)

  1. Ahn, J., Jang, B., Kim, J., Hwang, H., Hyun,?J., Ko, H., Hong, Y., and Oh, J., "Optimal?design of the propeller and electric propulsion system for a solar powered high?altitude long endurance UAV", 2015 KSAS?Conference, The Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 2015, pp.598-601. 

  2. Ahn, J., Park, S., and Woo, R., "Optimized?design and performance analysis of a?propeller for an electric powered mini?UAV", 2014 KSAS Conference, The Korean?Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences,?2014, pp.209-212. 

  3. Kim, S., and Lee, S., "Structural sizing for?optionally piloted PAV preliminary design",?Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation?and Aeronautics, 28(1), 2020, pp.83-89. 

  4. Patel, Y., Anant, G., Krovvidi, S., and Yamal,?S., "A review on design and analysis of the?propeller used in UAV", International Journal?of Advanced Production and Industrial Engineering, 605, 2017, pp.20-23. 

  5. Eraslan, Y., Ozen, E., and Oktay, T., "A?literature review on determination of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles propeller?thrust and power coefficients", EJONS 10th?International Conference on Mathematics?Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences,?2020, pp.108-118. 

  6. Podsedkowski, M., Konopinski, R., Obidowski,?D., and Koter, K., "Variable pitch propeller?for UAV-experimental tests", Energies, 13(20),?5264, 2020, pp.1-16. 

  7. Czyz, Z., Karpinski, P., Skiba, K., and?Wendeker, M., "Wind tunnel performance?tests of the propellers with different pitch?for the electric propulsion system", Sensors,?22(2), 2022, pp.1-18. 

  8. Cruzatty, C., Sarmiento, E., Valencia, E., and?Cando, E., "Design methodology of a UAV?propeller implemented in monitoring?activities", Materialstoday: Proceedings, 49,?2022, pp.115-121. 

  9. Oktay, T., and Eraslan, Y., "Numerical?investigation of effects of airspeed and?rotational speed on quadrotor UAV propeller?thrust coefficient", Journal of Aviation, 5(1),?2021, pp.9-15. 

  10. Brandon, L., and Kinsey, R., "VSP Aircraft?Analysis User Manual", NASA, 2014. 

  11. Edwin, P. H., and David, B., "The aerodynamic characteristics of full-scale propellers?having 2, 3 and 4 blades of Clark Y and R.?A. F. 6 airfoil sections", Report No. 640,?Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory,?National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,?Langley Field, VA., November 9, 1937. 

  12. Xia, X., Ma, D., Zhang, L., Liu, X., and?Cong, K., "Blade shape optimization and?analysis of a propeller for VTOL based on?an inverse method", Applied Sciences,?12(7), 2022. 

  13. Edwin, P. H., and David, B., "Tests of two?full-scale propellers with different pitch?distributions, at blade angles up to 60°",?Report No. 658, Langley Memorial Aero-nautical Laboratory, National Advisory?Committee for Aeronautics, Langley Field,?VA., Apr. 14, 1938. 

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