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글레이즈 컬러를 적용한 의치상 레진의 비커스 경도 평가
Evaluation of the Vickers hardness on denture acrylic resins by glaze color 원문보기

Journal of technologic dentistry : JTD, v.44 no.4, 2022년, pp.111 - 117  

임용운 (경동대학교 치기공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: This study was conducted to compare the Vickers hardness on the denture acrylic resins using the glaze color system. Methods: The specimens (20×2 mm) were prepared by mixing according to the manufacturer's protocols through thermal polymerization and self-polymerization. The surface ...


참고문헌 (12)

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  9. Hwang SS, Im YW, Kim SC, Han MS. Evaluation of surface roughness of heat-polymerized denture base resin according to the polishing step. J Korean Acad Dent Technol. 2015;37:205-212.? 

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  12. Im YW, Hwang SS. Influence of mechanical properties with gingival shade composites resin according to the thermocycling treatment. J Korean Acad Dent Technol. 2017;39:83-91. 

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