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MCD 및 NCD 코팅 볼 엔드밀의 정삭가공에서의 최적절삭조건에 관한 연구
A study on optimal cutting conditions of MCD or NCD coated ball end-mills for finishing 원문보기

Design & manufacturing, v.16 no.4, 2022년, pp.17 - 23  

김종수 (한국생산기술연구원 뿌리기술연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Recently, several studies are being conducted to achieve a curvature of 180° or more for the edge of the display glass. The thermocompression molding process is applied to the manufacture of curved glass, and high hardness G5 graphite is used as the mold material to withstand the impact appli...


참고문헌 (14)

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  5. Hodroj, A., Teule-Gay, Lionel., Lahaye, Michel., et?al., "Nanocrystalline diamond coatings: Effects of?time modulation bias enhanced HFCVD?parameters", AIMS Materials Science, Vol. 5:3 pp.?519-532, 2018. 

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  7. Lee, H., Kim, J., Park, J. and Kim, J., "Analysis of?Tool Wear and Roughness of Graphite Surfaces?Machined Using MCD and NCD-Coated Ball?Endmills", Micromachines, Vol. 13, 766, 2022 

  8. Kim, B.C., Yoon, H.S. and Cho, M.W.,?"Fabrication and Evaluation of Machinability of?Diamond Particle Electroplating Tool for?Cover-Glass Edge Machining", J. Korea Society of?Die & Mold Engineering, Vol. 11:1 pp.1-6, 2017. 

  9. Ha, S.J., Park, J.Y., Kim, G.H. and Yoon, G.S.,?"Micro cutting process technology for micro molds?parts", J. Korea Society of Die & Mold?Engineering, Vol. 13:1 pp.5-12, 2019. 

  10. Jung, S.T, Song, K.H., Choi, Y.J. and Baek, S.Y.,?"Research on ultra-precision fine-pattern?machining through single crystal diamond tool?fabrication technology", J. Korea Society of Die?& Mold Engineering, Vol. 14:3 pp.63-70, 2020. 

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  12. Jung, S.T., Wi, E.C., Kim, H.J., Song, K.H. and?Baek, S.Y., "Reliability verification of cutting?force experiment by the 3D-FEM analysis from?reverse engineering design of milling tool", J.?Korea Society of Die & Mold Engineering, Vol.?13:2 pp.54-59, 2019. 

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  14. Ko, T. J., Jeong, H. and Kim, H. S., "Selection of?Machining Inclination Angle of Tool Considering?Tool Wear in High Speed Ball End Milling", J.?Korean Society of Precision Engineering, Vol.?15:9 pp.135-144, 1998. 

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