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Influence of Loading Procedure of Liquid Butadiene Rubber on Properties of Silica-filled Tire Tread Compounds 원문보기

Elastomers and composites = 엘라스토머 및 콤포지트, v.57 no.4, 2022년, pp.129 - 137  

Jinwoo Seo (Elastic Composite Research Division, Korea Institute of Footwear & Leather Technology) ,  Woong Kim (Elastic Composite Research Division, Korea Institute of Footwear & Leather Technology) ,  Seongguk Bae (Elastic Composite Research Division, Korea Institute of Footwear & Leather Technology) ,  Jungsoo Kim (Elastic Composite Research Division, Korea Institute of Footwear & Leather Technology)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Low molecular weight liquid butadiene rubber (LqBR) is a processing aid that can resolve the migration problem of tire tread compounds. Various studies are being conducted to replace the petroleum-based processing oil with LqBR. However, the effect of the loading time of LqBR in the compounding proc...


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