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집합적 공간으로서의 근현대건축물 재활성화 설계 - 뵈렌토렌 리모델링 설계안을 중심으로 -
Revitalization of Modern Architecture as a Collective Space - Proposal Design for Boerentoren Remodeling -

대한건축학회논문집 = Journal of the architectural institute of korea, v.38 no.6, 2022년, pp.117 - 126  

황의현 (남서울대 건축학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study calls the existing regeneration strategies in the revitalization of modern architecture into question and emphasizes the importance of giving new values such as spatial utilization and improvement of collectivity according to the demands of consumers. The existing ways of preserving and u...


참고문헌 (17)

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  2. Brooker, G. & Stone, S. (2004). Re-readings. Interior Architecture and the Design Principles of Remodeling Existing Buildings. London, RIBA Enterprises. 

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  6. Gewirtzman, D.(2016). Adaptive reuse architecture documentation and analysis. Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology. 5(3). 172 

  7. Gultekin, E.(2019). Heritage and Preservation of Modern Architecture. 

  8. Hertzberger, H. (2001). Space and the Architect: Lessons in Architecture 2. Rotterdam. 010 Publishers. 

  9. Kim, D.(2018). Adaptive Reuse of Industrial Buildings for Sustainability; Analysis of Sustainability and Social Values of industrial Facades. 

  10. Macdonald, S. (2013). Breaking the barriers to conserving modern heritage. The GCI Newsletter. 28. 

  11. Plevoets, B. & Van Cleempoel, K.(2011). Adaptive Reuse as a Strategy towards Conservation of Cultural Heritage: a Literature Review, 155-164 

  12. Prudon, T. (2008). Preservation of Modern Architecture. N.J. Wiley 5. 

  13. Scheerlinck, K. (2013). Collective Spaces Streetscape Territories Notebook. 2013. 7-8, 44-66. 

  14. UN WCED(1987). Our Common Future. 

  15. UNDP(2015). Sustainable Development Goals. 

  16. Velthuis, K. & Spennemann, D. (2007). The Future of Defunct Religious Buildings: Dutch Approaches to Their Adaptive Re-use. 

  17. Wong, L. (2017). Adaptive Reuse: Extending the Lives of Buildings. Basel: Birkhauser 

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