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한의 표준임상진료지침 및 한의 표준임상경로에 대한 한의사의 인식
Korean Medicine Doctor's Perception in Korean Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline and Korean Medicine Cliniical Pathways 원문보기

대한예방한의학회지 = Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine, v.26 no.2, 2022년, pp.55 - 67  

김동수 (동신대학교 한의과대학) ,  안해인 (서울대학교 보건대학원) ,  권수현 (한국한의약진흥원 한의약혁신기술개발사업단) ,  안은지 (동신대학교 한의과대학) ,  김남권 (부산대학교 한의학전문대학원)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives : This study is aimed to survey Korean Medicine Doctors's perceptions in Korean Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline and Standard Korean Medicine Clinical Pathways for its spread(to increase utilization in clinical sites). Methods : The research population was set at 14,831 Korean medical...


참고문헌 (12)

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  6. National Clearinghouse for Korean Medicine Website. [cited in 2022 Jun 09]. Available from: https://nikom.or.kr/nckm/html.do?menu_idx42. 

  7. Kim N-K, Guideline center for Korean Medicine Performance. Guideline center for Korean Medicine Performance Conference. 2022. 

  8. Woo HL, Ji HR, Park KS, Hwang DS, Lee CH, Chang JP, Chang JP, Lee JM. A Survey on Korean Medicine Doctors' Recognition and Clinical Fields of Treating Primary Dysmenorrhea for Developing Korean Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline for Dysmenorrhea. The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology [Internet]. 2017 May 26;30(2):93-106. 

  9. Lee JE, Choi JB, Kim DH, Jeong HJ, Kim JH. A Web-based Survey Research on Improving and Utilizing Korean Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline for Ankle Sprain. The Journal of Korean Medicine 2019; 40(2): 1-16. 

  10. Ahn HS, Kim HJ. Development and Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines; Current Status in Korea. The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences 2012;27:55-60 

  11. Davis DA, Taylor-Vaisey A. Translating guidelines into practice. A systematic review of theoretic concepts, practical experience and research evidence in the adoption of clinical practice guidelines CMAJ. 1997 Aug 15;157(4):408-16. 

  12. Lee DN, Kim HJ, Yu JS. A Survey on Korean Medicine Doctors' Recognition and Treatment for Developing Korean Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline of Coldness of Hands and Feet. The Journal of Korean Obstetrics and Gynecology [Internet]. 2017 Aug 25;30(3):92-116. 

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