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2-Terminal Perovskite/SHJ 탠덤 태양전지 기술 검토
Review of 2-terminal Perovskite/SHJ Tandem Junction Solar Cell Technology 원문보기

Current photovoltaic research = 한국태양광발전학회논문지, v.10 no.3, 2022년, pp.84 - 89  

장민규 (에너지융합학과, 청주대학교) ,  전영우 (에너지융합학과, 청주대학교) ,  김민제 (에너지융합학과, 청주대학교) ,  이준신 (정보통신공학부, 성균관대학교) ,  박진주 (에너지융합학과, 청주대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

c-Si solar cells currently account for more than 90% of the solar energy market. Research on tandem junction solar cells to overcome efficiency limitations is drawing attention at a time when new technologies are being developed to secure the price competitiveness of silicon solar cells. Among sever...


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