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[국내논문] 데이터센터 통신용 광소자 및 광부품 기술 동향
Technology Trends of Optical Devices and Components for Datacenter Communications 원문보기

전자통신동향분석 = Electronics and telecommunications trends, v.37 no.2, 2022년, pp.42 - 52  

한영탁 (광통신부품연구실) ,  이동훈 (광통신부품연구실) ,  김덕준 (광통신부품연구실) ,  신장욱 (광통신부품연구실) ,  이서영 (광통신부품연구실) ,  윤석준 (광통신부품연구실) ,  백용순 (광무선원천연구본부)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Intra- and inter- datacenter data traffic is rapidly increasing due to the spread of smart devices, cloud computing, and non-face-to-face services. Recently, 400-Gbps optical transceivers based on 100-Gbps/channel have been released primarily by major overseas companies. Various solutions for next-g...


표/그림 (9)

참고문헌 (35)

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