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[국내논문] 방사무늬 김 열수추출물의 RAW 264.7 세포에서의 면역 증진 효과
Immune Enhancing Effects of Pyropia yezoensis Hydrothermal Extract in RAW 264.7 Cells 원문보기

한국해양바이오학회지 = Journal of marine bioscience and biotechnology, v.15 no.2, 2023년, pp.33 - 40  

장고은 (해양헬스케어 유효성실증센터) ,  박보람 (경운대학교 보건복지대학 치위생학과) ,  이슬아 (해양헬스케어 유효성실증센터) ,  김춘성 (해양헬스케어 유효성실증센터)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aimed to investigate the immunomodulatory function of Pyropia yezoensis hydrothermal (water) extract (PYWE) in comparison to the group treated only with lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in RAW264.7 cells. LPS is known to be an inflammatory mediator that activates macrophages, leading to the secr...


표/그림 (4)

참고문헌 (22)

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  13. Magrone, Thea, et al. "Olive leaf extracts act as modulators of the human immune response." Endocrine, Metabolic & Immune Disorders-Drug Targets (Formerly Current Drug Targets-Immune, Endocrine & Metabolic Disorders) 18.1 (2018): 85-93.? 

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  18. Shin ES, Hwang HJ, Kim IH, Nam TJ. A glycoprotein from Porphyra yezoensis produces anti-inflammatory effects in liposaccharide-stimulated macrophages via the TLR4 signaling pathway. Int J Mol Med 2011; 28(5): 809-815.? 

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  21. Li L, Saga N, Mikami K. Effects of cell wall synthesis on cell polarity in the red alga Porphyra yezoensis. Plant Signal Behav 2008; 3(12): 1126-1128.? 

  22. Hwang HJ, Kwon MJ, Kim IH, Nam TJ. Chemoprotective effects of a protein from the red algae Porphyra yezoensis on acetaminophen induced liver injury in rats. Phytother Res 2008; 22: 1149-1153. 

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