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[국내논문] 섬유소계 바이오매스로부터 황산 촉매를 이용한 레블린산 생산
Sulfuric Acid Catalytic Conversion to Levulinic Acid from Cellulosic Biomass 원문보기

신재생에너지 = New & Renewable Energy, v.19 no.4, 2023년, pp.11 - 19  

안형균 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyonggi University) ,  이승민 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyonggi University) ,  임이라 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyonggi University) ,  김현준 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyonggi University) ,  김준석 (Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyonggi University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Levulinic acid (LA) derived from cellulosic biomass, serves a crucial intermediate that can be used in various chemical conversions. This study focused on optimizing the production of LA using two types of pretreated rice husk (de-ashed and delignificated cellulosic biomass) in a batch reaction syst...


참고문헌 (13)

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  10. Van de Vyver, S., Thomas, J., Geboers, J., Keyzer, S.,?Smet, M., Dehaen, W., Jacobs, P.A., and Sels, B.F.,?2011, "Catalytic production of levulinic acid from cellulose?and other biomass-derived carbohydrates with sulfonated?hyperbranched poly (arylene oxindole)s", Energy Environ.?Sci., 4, 3601-3610. 

  11. Han, S.J., Lee, S.M., and Kim, J.S., 2022, "Kinetic study?of glucose conversion to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and?levulinic acid catalyzed by sulfuric acid", Korean Chem.?Eng. Res., 60(2), 193-201. 

  12. Shi, N., Liu, Q., Cen, H., Ju, R., He, X., and Ma, L., 2020,?"Formation of humins during degradation of carbohydrates?and furfural derivatives in various solvents", Biomass?Convers. Biorefin., 10(2), 277-287. 

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