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[국내논문] 메탄가스 전환 미생물촉매 개량을 위한 플라스미드 복제 시작점 예측
Predicting Plasmid Replication Origin for Methane-converting Microbial Catalyst Improvement 원문보기

신재생에너지 = New & Renewable Energy, v.19 no.4, 2023년, pp.46 - 52  

김민식 (Bioenergy and Resources Upcycling Research Laboratory)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Methane is the second most emitted greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide. Despite lower emissions than those of carbon dioxide, methane receives significant attention owing to its more than 20-fold higher global warming potential. Consequently, the importance of research on methanotrophic bacteria, mi...


참고문헌 (14)

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  10. Nguyen, A.D., Hwang, I.Y., Lee, O.K., Kim, D.,?Kalyuzhnaya, M.G., Mariyana, R., Hadiyati, S., Kim,?M.S., and Lee, E.Y., 2018, "Systematic metabolic?engineering of Methylomicrobium alcaliphilum 20Z for?2,3-butanediol production from methane", Metabolic?Engineering, 47, 323-333. 

  11. Nguyen, A.D., Hwang, I.Y., Lee, O.K., Hur, D.H., Jeon,?Y.C., Hadiyati, S., Kim, M.S., Yoon, S.H., Jeong, H., and?Lee, E.Y., 2018, "Functional analysis of Methylomonas?sp. DH-1 genome as a promising biocatalyst for bioconversion of methane to valuable chemicals", Catalysts,?8(3), 117. 

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  14. Chattoraj, D.K., 2000, "Control of plasmid DNA replication by iterons: no longer paradoxical", Mol Microbiol.,?37(3), 467-476. 

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