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선박 추진용 2행정 저속엔진의 고장모드 데이터 개발 및 LSTM 알고리즘을 활용한 특성인자 신뢰성 검증연구
The Study of Failure Mode Data Development and Feature Parameter's Reliability Verification Using LSTM Algorithm for 2-Stroke Low Speed Engine for Ship's Propulsion 원문보기

大韓造船學會 論文集 = Journal of the society of naval architects of korea, v.60 no.2, 2023년, pp.95 - 109  

박재철 ((사)한국선급 연구본부 디지털기술원 디지털라이제이션팀) ,  권혁찬 ((사)한국선급 연구본부 디지털기술원 디지털라이제이션팀) ,  김철환 (넥스트엔지니어링) ,  장화섭 ((사)한국선급 연구본부 디지털기술원 디지털라이제이션팀)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In the 4th industrial revolution, changes in the technological paradigm have had a direct impact on the maintenance system of ships. The 2-stroke low speed engine system integrates with the core equipment required for propulsive power. The Condition Based Management (CBM) is defined as a technology ...


참고문헌 (12)

  1. Bae, J.H, 2021. Fault detection of aircraft turbofan engine system?using a fault detection filter. Institute of Korean Electrical and?Electronics Engineers, 25(2), pp.330-336. 

  2. Benkamin, L., Timo, M., Hannes, V., Nasser, J. and Michael,?W., 2021. A survey on long short-term memory networks?for time series prediction, 14th CIRP 99, pp.650-655. 

  3. Byun, S.I. and Lee, D.I., 2022. Health monitoring for autonomous underwater vehicles using fault tree analysis. Journal?of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, 28(5), pp.?398-405. 

  4. Chae, S.G., Kim, G.R., Bae, B.Y. and Bae, S.J., 2021.?Failure diagnosis and prediction for a thermal power plant?generator using fastICA. Journal of Applied Reliability,?21(4), pp.341-351. 

  5. Cho, H.J., Choi, H.S., Kim, H.J., Nam, K.S., Ryu, J.D. and?Ha, K. N., 2022. Feature selection for unmanned surface?vehicle fault diagnosis research and experimental verification. Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems,?28(6), pp.542-550. 

  6. Hwang, S.Y., Heo, J.Y., Hong, K.T. and Lee, J.H., 2018. Time?series data analysis and fault diagnosis of plant process?equipment using statistical machine learning method. Korean?Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 23(3), pp.?193-201. 

  7. Kim, S.H, 2022. A study of machine learning technique for?noise-based engine fault diagnosis. Journal of the KNST, 5(1),?pp.16-19. 

  8. Kim, J.Y., Lee, T.H., Lee, S.H., Lee, J.J., Shin, D.M., Lee, W.K.?and Kim, Y.J., 2022. A study on the development of a failure?simulation database for condition based maintenance of marine?engine system auxiliary equipment. Journal of the Society of?Naval Architects of Korea, 59(4), pp.200-206. 

  9. Kim, S.I., Noh, Y.J., Kang, Y.J., Park, S.H. and Ahn, B.H., 2021.?Fault classification model based on time domain feature?extraction vibration data. Journal of the Computational Structural?Engineering Institute of Korea, 34(I), pp.25-33. 

  10. Lee, J.H., 2021. Experimental study on application of an anomaly?detection algorithm electric current datasets generated from?marine air compressor with time-series features. Journal of?the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety, 27(1),?pp.127-134. 

  11. Ugo, C., Carlo, C. and Raphael, Z., 2018. Marine gas turbine?monitoring and diagnostics by simulation and pattern?recognition. International Journal of Naval Architecture and?Ocean Engineering, 10, pp.617-628. 

  12. Zhengping, C., Sanjay, P., Cho, K.H., David, S. and Yan, L., 2018. Recurrent neural networks for multivariate time series?with missing values, Scientific Reports, 8:6085. 

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