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양식장 물김 이송 및 중량 자동측정 시스템 개발의 경제성 분석 연구
Economic analysis of the loading-unloading and automatic weighing systems in laver aquaculture industry 원문보기

수산해양기술연구 = Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology, v.59 no.2, 2023년, pp.181 - 187  

김대현 (전남대학교 문화관광경영학과) ,  민은비 (전남대학교 수산과학과) ,  강태종 (전남대학교 수산과학과) ,  황두진 (전남대학교 해양생산관리학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Laver aquaculture, which occupies a large proportion in the aquaculture industry in Korea, is still highly dependent on human labor. Therefore, it is necessary to study the development of an automatic system to improve the working environment and increase the efficiency of aquaculture production sys...


참고문헌 (14)

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  4. Kim DH and Hwang DJ. 2022. A study on economic analysis?of the oyster shucking machine development. Journal of?Fishing Village & Aquaculture 2, 64-71. 

  5. Kim IS, Kim CM, Kim TS and Lee JJ. 2017. Evaluation of?performance and economics of organic rankine cycle?integrated into combined cycle cogeneration plant. The?KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery 20, 41-47. https://doi.org/10.5293/kfma.2017.20.1.041. 

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  7. KOSIS. 2022. Basic Classification of Producer Price Index.?Retrieved from https://kosis.kr/search/. Accessed 1 Aug 2022. 

  8. Min EB, Yoon EA, Hwang DJ, Kim OS and Yoo GB. 2020.?A study on the improvement of loading and unloading?work in laver aquaculture industry. J Korean Soc Fish?Ocean Technol 56, 45-54. https://doi.org/10.3796/KSFOT.2020.56.1.045. 

  9. Oh SM, Park BJ, Angani A and Kim ES. 2019. Realization?of fully automatic harvest unit for water laver in the?Korea sea. IEEE International Conference on Architecture,?Construction, Environment and Hydraulics, 105-107. 

  10. Park SK, Park SW and Kwon HJ. 2009. Economic analysis?of biodegradable snow crab gill net model project. J Kor?Soc Fish Tech 45, 276-286. https://doi.org/10.3796/KSFT.2009.45.4.276. 

  11. Park SW, Lee KH, Kang MJ, Park SK, Lee CW and Lee JH.?2013. Economic analysis on development of low-carbon?gear for anchovy boat seine. J Kor Soc Fish Tech 49, 291-300. https://doi.org/10.3796/KSFT.2012.49.3.291. 

  12. Park SW, Lee KH, Kang MJ and Park SK. 2012. Economic?analysis on development of low-carbon trawl gear. J Kor?Soc Fish Tech 48, 360-369. https://doi.org/10.3796/KSFT.2012.48.4.360. 

  13. Public Procurement Service. 2022. Service life (Public?Procurement Service Notification No. 2021-41). Retrieved?from https://pps.go.kr/kor/bbs/list.do?key00030. Accessed 1 Aug 2022. 

  14. Seo JM, An HC and Kim DH. 2012. Estimating the economic?effectiveness of LED fishing light systems for the squid?jiging fishery. J Kor Soc Fish Tech 48, 346-351. https://doi.org/10.3796/KSFT.2012.48.4.346. 

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