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동결견 환자에 대한 한의복합치료 효과: 후향적 차트 리뷰
Effect of Complex Korean Medical Treatment in Patients with Frozen Shoulder: A Retrospective Chart Review 원문보기

Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation : JKMR = 한방재활의학과학회지, v.33 no.3, 2023년, pp.115 - 127  

고성환 (대전대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학교실) ,  이은정 (대전대학교 한의과대학 한방재활의학교실)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Objectives Through this study, we investigated the effects of Korean medicine treatments on range of motion recovery and pain reduction in patients with Frozen shoulder. Methods In this study, the medical records of 26 patients diagnosed with frozen shoulder were retrospectively observed and analyze...


표/그림 (11)

참고문헌 (26)

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  9. Ranalletta M, Rossi LA, Bongiovanni SL, Tanoira I, Elizondo CM, Maignon GD. Corticosteroid injections accelerate pain relief and recovery of function compared with oral NSAIDs in patients with adhesive capsulitis: a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Sports Medicine. 2016;44(2):474-81.? 

  10. Han SH, Lee HE, Byun DY, Kim YI, Kim MK, Min BK, Lim HB, Jeong YJ, Oh MS. A systematic review of moxibustion for frozen shoulder. J Korean Med Rehabil. 2019;29(3):35-49.? 

  11. Oh TY, Kim YH, Oh EM, Hong SM, Ha HJ, Lee EJ, Oh MS. A systematic review and meta-analysis of herbal medicine for frozen shoulder. J Korean Med Rehabil. 2019;29(3):15-33.? 

  12. Han DH, Park IH, Heo I. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy with meridian and acupoint theory for adhesive capsulitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Korean Medicine. 2022;32(2):55-63.? 

  13. Kim MH. Three cases of frozen shoulder treated with hominis placenta pharmacopuncture and chuna manual therapy. Journal of Korean Medicine. 2023;44(1):117-27.? 

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  22. Yuk DI, Song I, Ko MK, Sung IS, Kim MJ, Lee JW, Oh YS, Jo JH, Kang WC, Hong KE. Five cases of frozen shoulder patients treated by acupotomy combined with oriental medical treatments. Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society. 2012;29(5):167-76.? 

  23. Lee JS, Ryu CH, Jeong SS, Moon SI. A review of fir e needling on frozen shoulder: focusing on Chinese journals. Journal of Korean Acupuncture & Moxibustion Society. 2013;30(3):87-99.? 

  24. Buchbinder R, Youd JM, Green S, Stein A, Forbes A, Harris A, Bennell K, Bell S, Wright WJL. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of physiotherapy following glenohumeral joint distension for adhesive capsulitis: a randomized trial. Arthritis & Rheumatology. 2007;57(6):1027-37.? 

  25. Cho JC, Park SY, Shin BC. Chuna manual therapy for adhesive capsulitis: a systematic review and meta analysis. The Journal of Korea CHUNA Manual Medicine for Spine & Nerves. 2019;14(2):1-14.? 

  26. Sung SH, Lee HJ, Han JE, Sung ADM, Park M, Shin SW, Jeong HI, Jang SB, Lee GH. Bee venom acupuncture for neck pain: a review of the Korean literature. Toxins. 2023;15(2):129. 

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