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산간계류(청계산)의 물리적 환경요인과 생물지수의 관계
Relationship between Physical Environmental Factors and Biological Indices of A Mountain Valley Stream (Mt. Cheoggye) 원문보기

한국물환경학회지 = Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment, v.39 no.4, 2023년, pp.288 - 301  

여민정 (경기대학교 생명과학과) ,  공동수 (경기대학교 생명과학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aims to identify benthic macroinvertebrate fauna inhabiting at the mountain valley stream (Mt. Cheonggye) in Korea and the relationship between physical environmental factors and biological indices. Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected at five locations on August 24 and October 14, 2...


표/그림 (14)

참고문헌 (36)

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