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[국내논문] Tree-Ring Analysis for Understanding Growth of Larix kaempferi 원문보기

목재공학 = Journal of the Korean wood science and technology, v.51 no.5, 2023년, pp.345 - 357  

Jeong-Deok JU (Departments of Forest Science, Chungbuk National University) ,  Chang-Seob SHIN (Departments of Forest Science, Chungbuk National University) ,  Jeong-Wook SEO (Department of Wood & Paper Science, Chungbuk National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The present study conducted a stem analysis to trace growth information of Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) and predict the future changes in growth volume. For this purpose, six L. kaempferi trees over 47 years old were cut at 1-2 m intervals from a height of 0.2 m, and circular plates of 5 cm thic...


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