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[국내논문] 제로에너지단지의 적정 수소 활용 규모 및 운용방식에 관한 연구
A Comparative Assessment of Hydrogen Facility Installation for Net-Zero Energy District Planning 원문보기

신재생에너지 = New & Renewable Energy, v.19 no.3, 2023년, pp.1 - 12  

김준오 (RE Urban and Architectural Design Workshop Co. Ltd.) ,  김철희 (RE Urban and Architectural Design Workshop Co. Ltd.) ,  추소연 (RE Urban and Architectural Design Workshop Co. Ltd.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aims to evaluate the optimal size of the hydrogen facility to be installed in a zero-energy district in terms of load matching and facility efficiency. A mismatch between energy generation and consumption is a common occurrence in zero-energy districts. This mismatch adversely effects the...


참고문헌 (17)

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