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[국내논문] 가상착의를 활용한 더블브레스트 테일러드 재킷의 칼라 패턴 분석 - 라펠 꺾임선 시작 위치에 따른 칼라의 눕힘 분량 비교 -
Analysis of the collar pattern of a double-breasted tailored jacket using virtual fitting - Comparison of collar laying amount according to lapel fold line start position - 원문보기

The Research Journal of the Costume Culture = 복식문화연구, v.31 no.5, 2023년, pp.640 - 650  

전미화 (경상국립대학교 의류학과) ,  장정아 (부산대학교 의류학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aimed to suggest a suitable collar pattern by visually evaluating the appearance of the amount of collar drape by the starting position of the lapel line of a double-breasted tailored jacket using a 3d virtual fitting program. It created an avatar based on the mean size of women in their ...


참고문헌 (10)

  1. Ahn, H. (2008). A study on tailored collar pattern?for jacket. Unpublished master's thesis, Konkuk?University, Seoul, Korea. 

  2. Choi, I. Y. (2016). A study on the different shapes?and contours of tailored collars: Focusing on collar laying amount and collar stand of tailored?jackets. Unpublished master's thesis, Konkuk?University, Seoul, Korea. 

  3. Choi, I. Y., Kim, H. S., & Kim, J. M. (2017). A?comparative study on tailored jacket collar variations using human subjects and virtual simulation: A focus on collar stand and laying amount.?Journal of Korea Design Forum, 57, 151-163.?doi:10.21326/ksdt.2017..57.013 

  4. Han, S. G. (2023, January 24). [뉴스속기업]구찌.아디다스도 반한 '클로버추얼패션' [News insider]?'CLO virtual fashion' that even Gucci and Adidas?fell in love with]. Asia Economy. Retrieved?February 22, 2023, from https://view.asiae.co.kr/article/2023011910083841533 

  5. Jeong, H.-Y. (2010). A comparative study on the?tailored collar patterns of women's jackets: Focus on clothing construction textbooks. Journal of?the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles,?34(4), 617-627. doi:10.5850/JKSCT.2010.34.4.617 

  6. Kim, S. H. (2015). 테일러드 재킷 만들기 [Making a tailored jacket with a live silhouette]. Bucheon:?Bookk. 

  7. Korean Agency for Technology and Standards. (2022).?8차 인체치수조사 [The 8th size Korea]. Size?Korea. Retrieved September 3, 2022, from https://sizekorea.kr/human-info/meas-report?measDegree8 

  8. Lee, B.-N., & Suh, M.-A. (2006). A study on the?visual image by pattern drafting of tailored collar.?The Research Journal of the Costume Culture,?14(4), 609-624. 

  9. Lee, S.-Y. (2011). A study on the character of collar?and lapels according to collar laying amount:?Focused on tailored jacket. Journal of the?Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 35(4),?421-430. doi:10.5850/JKSCT.2011.35.4.421 

  10. Lim, J. Y. (1997). A study of collar roll line lay?down angle variation of collar width: On the?tailored collar. 안성여자기능대학 논문집, 3, 471-486. 

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