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[국내논문] 반사형 Focal Reducer를 가지는 높은 개구수의 대물렌즈 설계
Optical Design of a High-numerical-aperture Objective with a Reflective Focal Reducer 원문보기

한국광학회지 = Korean journal of optics and photonics, v.34 no.6, 2023년, pp.248 - 260  

이종웅 (청주대학교 에너지.광기술융합학부)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

낮은 NA의 굴절형 대물렌즈와 반사형 focal reducer로 구성된 NA 0.5의 굴절-반사 대물렌즈를 설계하였다. 굴절형 대물렌즈로는 NA 0.25인 Lister 대물렌즈가 사용되고, 반사형 focal reducer는 구면수차, 코마, 비점수차가 보정된 2구면경계가 사용되었다. 설계된 굴절-반사 대물렌즈는 높은 NA를 가졌음에도 18 mm의 긴 작동거리와 NA 0.25의 Lister 대물렌즈보다 개선된 결상성능을 가지고 있다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A 0.5-numerical-aperture (NA) refractive-reflective objective, composed of a low-NA refractive and a reflective focal reducer, is designed. A 0.25-NA Lister objective is used for the refractive. A two-spherical-mirror system, corrected for spherical aberration, coma, and astigmatism is used for the ...


표/그림 (22)

참고문헌 (16)

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  3. W. Ulrich and F. Muchel, "UV-capable dry lens for microscopes," US Patent 5103341A (1992). 

  4. W. Vollrath, "Method for manufacturing ultaviolet microscope?dry objectives and microscope objectives manufactured in accordance with this method," US Patent 5440422A (1995). 

  5. J. E. Webb and T. Tienvieri, "Double mirror catadioptric objective lens system with three optical surface multifunction component," US Patent 6560039B1 (2003). 

  6. Y.-H. Chuang, D. Shafer, B.-M. B. Tsai, and J. J. Armstrong,?"High NA system for multiple mode imaging," US Patent?6064517A (2000). 

  7. D. H. Kim, S. Y. Ju, J. H. Lee, H. Kihm, and H.-S. Yang,?"Catadioptric NA 0.6 objective design in 193 nm with 266 nm?autofocus," Korean J. Opt. Photonics 34, 53-60 (2023). 

  8. M. Laikin, Lens Design, 3rd ed. (CRC Press, USA, 2001), pp.?133-143. 

  9. W. J. Smith, Modern Optical Engineering, 4th ed. (McGraw-Hill, USA, 2008), pp. 466-473. 

  10. H. Gross, F. Blechinger, and B. Achtner, "Survey of optical instruments," in Handbook of Optical Systems, H. Gross, F. Blechinger, and B. Achtner, Eds. (Wiley-VCH, Germany, 2007),?Vol. 4, pp. 569-575. 

  11. J.-U. Lee, "Optical design of a high resolution UV objective," J.?Ind. Sci. Res. Cheongju Univ. 35, 1-5 (2018). 

  12. S.-Y. Lee and J.-U. Lee, "Optical design of a collimator lens?that is very stable against chromatic variation," Korean J. Opt.?Photonics 28, 68-74 (2017). 

  13. J.-H. Kim and J.-U. Lee, "Optical design of a Lister objective?stable against chromatic variation for 405-nm wavelength,"?Korean J. Opt. Photonics 31, 295-303 (2020). 

  14. J.-U. Lee, "New design method of stable lens system against?chromatic variation based on paraxial ray tracing," Curr. Opt.?Photonics 4, 23-30 (2020). 

  15. W. T. Welford, Aberrations of Optical Systems (Taylor & Francis, USA, 1986), pp. 130-152. 

  16. J.-U. Lee, "Characteristic evaluation of optical design using dimensionless design parameters," Korean J. Opt. Photonics 33,?35-44 (2022). 

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