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[국내논문] 댐 운영 제약사항을 고려한 섬진강댐 홍수조절방식에 관한 연구
A study for flood control method of Sumjingang Dam considering dam operation constraints 원문보기

Journal of Korea Water Resources Association = 한국수자원학회논문집, v.57 no.4, 2024년, pp.249 - 261  

이용택 (충남대학교 토목공학과) ,  정관수 (충남대학교 토목공학과)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

최근 기후변화로 인해 극한홍수가 증가하여 댐 운영에 큰 어려움으로 작용하고 있다. 그간 댐 설계 시 제시되는 홍수조절방식은 하류 상황에 대한 고려 없이 계획홍수량이라는 특정 홍수상황을 가정하여 수립된 것으로, 실제 상황에는 기상예보를 기반으로 저수지 모의운영을 통해 홍수조절을 실시한다. 하지만 기상예보의 불확실성과 댐 관리자마다 달라지는 의사결정 등 한계가 존재한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 섬진강댐에 대해 댐 유입량을 기준으로 댐 운영 제약사항을 고려한 단계적 방류량 증량을 실시하는 홍수조절방식을 제시하고, 계획홍수량 및 역대 최대홍수사상을 적용한 저수지 모의운영을 통해 효과를 평가하였다. 본 연구에서 제시한 홍수조절방식은 다양한 댐 운영자가 현실적 댐 운영 여건을 반영하여 일관성 있는 홍수조절 의사결정에 활용 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Climate change has intensified the severity of extreme floods, presenting substantial challenges to dam management and operation. Traditionally, flood control strategies for dam operations have been based on theoretical scenarios, such as designed floods, without taking into account downstream condi...


표/그림 (18)

참고문헌 (15)

  1. Iksan Regional Office of Construction and Management (IRO) (2021). Basic plan of Sumjin River (Revised). pp. 3-14-3-16. 

  2. Jung, J.W. (2020). A seasonal climate prediction reflecting climate variability and flexible operation plan of a multi-purpose dam in flood season. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Inha University, pp. 122-126. 

  3. Kang, T.U., Lee, S.J., and Choi S.H. (2014) "A study for flood control of Namgnng Dam with flood guide curve in flood event." Journal of the Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Praxis, Vol. 54, No. 7. pp. 545-552. 

  4. Kim, J.R., Kim, J.C., Jeong, D.K., and Kim, J.H. (2006). "The optimal parameter estimation of storage function model based on the dynamic effect." Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 593-598. 

  5. Kim, Y.T., Park, M..H., and Kwon, H.H. (2020). "Spatio-temporal summer rainfall pattern in 2020 from a rainfall frequency perspective." Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Miltigation, KSDS, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 93-104. 

  6. Kwak, J.W. (2021) "A study for the target water level of the dam for flood control." Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 77-92. 

  7. K-water (2012). Report on the Dam operation and management of Sumjingang-Dam (revised). pp. 4.7-4.8. 

  8. K-water (2023a). Report on the results of Dam&wier opreation constraints investigation. Water Resources Operation Department-1939, pp. 1-2. 

  9. K-water (2023b). Working-lwvel hand book of water management. pp. I-179. 

  10. K-water (2023c). Dam operation plan in 2023 flood season. Water Resources Operation Department-2073, p. 16. 

  11. K-water (2024). My water, accessed on 28 February 2024, . 

  12. Ministry of construction and transportation (MOCT) and K-water (2006). Report on the establishment of a flood control connected operation system in the han river Dams. pp. 208-225. 

  13. Moriasi, D.N., Arnold, J.G., Van Liew, M.W., Bingner, R.L., Harmel, R.D., and Veith, T.L. (2007). "Model evaluation guidelines for systematic quantification of accuracy iv watershed simulations." Journal of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Vol. 50, No. 3, pp. 885-895. 

  14. Shin, C.K., Cho, H.S., Jung, K.S., and Kim, J.H. (2004). "Grid based rainfall-runoff modeling using storage function method." Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 969-972. 

  15. Sung, Y.D., Chong, K.Y., Shin, C.K., and Park, J.H. (2008). "Long term rainfall-runoff modeling using storage function method." Journal of Korea Water Resources Association, Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 737-742. 

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