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[국내논문] 참외 자동 수확을 위한 과일 주요 지점 검출
Key-point detection of fruit for automatic harvesting of oriental melon

드라이브ㆍ컨트롤 = Journal of drive and control, v.21 no.2, 2024년, pp.65 - 71  

강승우 (Department of Biosystem Machinery Engineering, Chungnam National University) ,  윤정훈 (SolarPos Inc.) ,  정용식 (Okcheon-gun Agricultural Technology Center) ,  김경철 (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Science) ,  이대현 (Department of Biosystem Machinery Engineering, Chungnam National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this study, we suggested a key-point detection method for robot harvesting of oriental melon. Our suggested method could be used to detect the detachment part and major composition of oriental melon. We defined four points (harvesting point, calyx, center, bottom) based on tomato with characteris...


표/그림 (7)

참고문헌 (22)

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  3. T. Kim, et. al., "Estimation of tomato maturity as a continuous index using deep neural networks", Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol.49, No.4, pp.785-793, 2022.? 

  4. S. W. Kang, et. al., "Localization of ripe tomato bunch using deep neural networks and class activation mapping", Korean Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol.50, No.3, pp.357-364, 2023.? 

  5. K. S. Kim, J. I. Lee, S. W. Gwak, W. Y. Kang, D. Y. Shin, and S. H. Hwang, "Construction of Database for Deep Learning-based Occlusion Area Detection in the Virtual Environment," Journal of Drive and Control, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 9-15, 2022.? 

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  11. H. Hu, et. al., "Recognition and localization of strawberries from 3D binocular cameras for a strawberry picking robot using coupled YOLO/Mask R-CNN", International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Vol.15, No.6, pp.175-179, 2022.? 

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  16. T. Kim, et. al., "2D pose estimation of multiple tomato fruit-bearing systems for robotic harvesting", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol.211, pp.108004, 2023.? 

  17. Z. Wu, et. al., "A method for identifying grape stems using keypoints", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol.209, pp.107825, 2023.? 

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  21. S. Cho, et. al., "Estimation of two-dimensional position of soybean crop for developing weeding robot", Journal of Drive and Control, Vol.20, No. 2, pp.15-23, 2023.? 

  22. S. E. Wei, et. al., "Convolutional pose machines", In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 4724-4732, 2016. 

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