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[국내논문] 성게 생식소 유래 세포외소포체 특성 분석 및 신경세포에 미치는 영향 연구
Characterization of Sea Urchin Gonad-derived Extracellular Vesicles and Study of Their Effects on Nerve Cells

Journal of biomedical engineering research : the official journal of the Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering, v.45 no.1, 2024년, pp.20 - 25  

최병훈 (국립부경대학교 4차산업융합바이오닉스공학과) ,  조성한 (국립부경대학교 4차산업융합바이오닉스공학과) ,  박상혁 (국립부경대학교 4차산업융합바이오닉스공학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nano-sized lipid bilayer vesicles released by cells. EVs act as messengers for cell-to-cell communication. Inside, it contains various substances that show biological activity, such as proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and metabolites. The study of EVs extracted from ...


표/그림 (5)

참고문헌 (22)

  1. Meldolesi, J. Exosomes and Ectosomes in Intercellular Communication. Curr Biol. 2018;28:R435-R444.? 

  2. Kou M, Huang, L, Yang, J, Chiang, Z, Chen S, Liu J, Guo L, Zhang X, Zhou X, Xu X. Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles for Immunomodulation and Regeneration: A next Generation Therapeutic Tool? Cell Death Dis. 2022;13:580.? 

  3. Shao H, Im H, Castro CM, Breakefield X, Weissleder R, Lee H. New Technologies for Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles. Chem Rev. 2018;118:1917-1950.? 

  4. De Jong OG, Van Balkom BWM, Schiffelers RM, Bouten CVC, Verhaar MC. Extracellular Vesicles: Potential Roles in Regenerative Medicine. Front Immunol 5. 2014;608.? 

  5. Todorova D, Simoncini S, Lacroix R, Sabatier F, Dignat-George F. Extracellular Vesicles in Angiogenesis. Circ Res. 2017;120:1658-1673.? 

  6. Robbins PD, Morelli AE. Regulation of Immune Responses by Extracellular Vesicles. Nat Rev Immunol. 2014;14:195-208.? 

  7. Van Niel G, d'Angelo G, Raposo G. Shedding Light on the Cell Biology of Extracellular Vesicles. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2018;19:213-228.? 

  8. Kodam SP, Ullah M. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Potential of Extracellular Vesicles. Technol. Cancer Res Treat. 2021;20:15330338211041203.? 

  9. Park J, Choi Y. Exosome Identification for Personalized Diagnosis and Therapy. Biomed Eng Lett. 2014;4:258-268.? 

  10. Keshtkar S, Azarpira N, Ghahremani MH. Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: Novel Frontiers in Regenerative Medicine. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2018;9:1-9.? 

  11. Huleihel L, Hussey GS, Naranjo JD, Zhang L, Dziki JL, Turner NJ, Stolz DB, Badylak SF. Matrix-Bound Nanovesicles within ECM Bioscaffolds. Sci Adv. 2016;2:e1600502.? 

  12. Nemati M, Singh B, Mir RA, Nemati M, Babaei A, Ahmadi M, Rasmi Y, Golezani AG, Rezaie J. Plant-Derived Extracellular Vesicles: A Novel Nanomedicine Approach with Advantages and Challenges. Cell Commun. Signal. 2022;20:69.? 

  13. Reinardy HC, Emerson CE, Manley JM, Bodnar AG. Tissue Regeneration and Biomineralization in Sea Urchins: Role of Notch Signaling and Presence of Stem Cell Markers. PloS One. 2015;10:e0133860.? 

  14. Sibiya A, Jeyavani J, Sivakamavalli J, Ravi C, Divya M, Vaseeharan B. Bioactive Compounds from Various Types of Sea Urchin and Their Therapeutic Effects-a Review. Reg Stud Mar Sci. 2021;44:101760.? 

  15. Sodergren E, Weinstock GM, Davidson EH, Cameron RA, G ibbs RA, Angerer RC, Angerer LM, Arnone MI, Burgess DR, Burke RD. The Genome of the Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus Purpuratus. Science. 2006;314:941-952.? 

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  17. Jo S-H, Kim C, Park S-H. Novel Marine Organism-Derived Extracellular Vesicles for Control of Anti-Inflammation. Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2021;18:71-79.? 

  18. Jo S-H, Kim S-H, Kim C, Park S-H. Characterization of Marine Organism Extracellular Matrix-Anchored Extracellular Vesicles and Their Biological Effect on the Alleviation of pro-Inflammatory Cytokines. Mar. Drugs. 2021;19:592.? 

  19. 김나현, 박상혁. 세포외기질(ECM) 생체소재 기반 필러 개발 연구. 의공학회지. 2019;40:137-142.? 

  20. Nikapitiya C, Jayathilaka EHTT, Edirisinghe SL, Rajapaksha DC, Wasana WP, Jayasinghe JNC, De Zoysa M. Isolation and Characterization of Plasma-Derived Exosomes from the Marine Fish Rock Bream (Oplegnathus Fasciatus) by Two Isolation Techniques. Fishes. 2022;7:36.? 

  21. Jayathilaka ET, Edirisinghe SL, Lee J, Nikapitiya C, De Zoysa M. Isolation and Characterization of Plasma-Derived Exosomes from Olive Flounder (Paralichthys Olivaceus) and Their Wound Healing and Regeneration Activities. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2022;128:196-205.? 

  22. Biller SJ, Schubotz F, Roggensack SE, Thompson AW, Summons RE, Chisholm SW. Bacterial Vesicles in Marine Ecosystems. science. 2014;343:183-186. 

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