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[해외논문] CD4 T Cell Tolerance to Nuclear Proteins Induced by Medullary Thymic Epithelium

Immunity, v.4 no.6, 1996년, pp.545 - 553  

Oukka, Mohamed (Institut National de la Santé) ,  Colucci-Guyon, Emma (, et de la Recherche Mé) ,  Tran, Phuong Lan (dicale U 267, 12 Avenue P. V. Couturier, 94807, Villejuif, France) ,  Cohen-Tannoudji, Michel (Unité) ,  Babinet, Charles (de Biologie du Dé) ,  Lotteau, Vincent (veloppement, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, URA1960 Institut Pasteur, 25 rue du Dr Roux, 75015, Paris, France) ,  Kosmatopoulos, Konstadinos (Institut National de la Santé)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThymic epithelium is involved in negative selection, but its precise role in selecting the CD4 T cell repertoire remains elusive. By using two transgenic mice, we have investigated how medullary thymic epithelium (mTE) and bone marrow (BM)-derived cells contribute to tolerance of CD4 T cells...

참고문헌 (35)

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