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[해외논문] Rapid Identification of Mutans Streptococcal Species 원문보기

Microbiology and immunology, v.40 no.11, 1996년, pp.867 - 871  

Igarashi, Takeshi (Department of Oral Microbiology Showa University School of Dentistry Shinagawa‐) ,  Yamamoto, Ayako (ku Tokyo 142 Japan) ,  Goto, Nobuichi (Department of Oral Microbiology Showa University School of Dentistry Shinagawa‐)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractMutans streptococci are considered the predominant pathogens in dental caries. Three methods, i.e. dot blot hybridization analysis, PCR analysis and SDS‐blue dextran‐PAGE, were examined for identifying mutans streptococcal species. In dot blot hybridization, DNA probe derived f...

참고문헌 (24)

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