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[해외논문] Long-term expression of the hepatitis B virus core-e- and X-proteins does not cause pathologic changes in transgenic mice

Journal of hepatology : the journal of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, v.26 no.1, 1997년, pp.119 - 130  

Reifenberg, K. (bDepartment of Virology, University of Ulm, ,, Ulm, Germany) ,  Lohler, J. ,  Pudollek, H.-P. ,  Schmitteckert, E. ,  Spindler, G. ,  Kock, J. ,  Schlicht, H.-J.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background/Aims: Chronic infections with the human hepatitis B virus can result in liver cirrhosis and primary hepatocellular carcinoma. The reasons for these long-term effects are unclear. The aim of this study was to generate transgenic mice expressing the HBV X- and c/e-gene under authentic and f...

참고문헌 (47)

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