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[해외논문] Effects of chronic therapy with nadolol on portal hemodynamics and on splanchnic impedance indices using Doppler sonography: comparison between acute and chronic effects

Journal of hepatology : the journal of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, v.26 no.2, 1997년, pp.305 - 311  

Bolognesi, M. (Servizio di Spleno-Epatologia, Istituto di Medicina Clinica, University of Padua,, , Italy) ,  Sacerdoti, D. ,  Merkel, C. ,  Bombonato, G. ,  Enzo, E. ,  Gatta, A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background/Aims: Beta-blockers are currently used for chronic therapy of portal hypertension. Duplex Doppler ultrasonography has been proposed for non-invasive evaluation of splanchnic pharmacodynamics, but the chronic effects of beta-blockers on portal hemodynamics and on splanchnic arterial impeda...

참고문헌 (34)

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