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[해외논문] Anti-cell surface endothelial antibodies in sera from cardiac and kidney transplant recipients: association with chronic rejection

Transplant immunology, v.5 no.1, 1997년, pp.17 - 24  

Ferry, Berle L (Department of Immunology, Tissue Typing, Churchill Hospital, Oxford UK) ,  Welsh, Ken I (Department of Immunology, Tissue Typing, Churchill Hospital, Oxford UK) ,  Dunn, Michael J (National Heart and Lung Institute (Imperial College) at Harefield Hospital, Harefield UK) ,  Law, David (Department of Immunology, Tissue Typing, Churchill Hospital, Oxford UK) ,  Proctor, Jeanette (Department of Immunology, Tissue Typing, Churchill Hospital, Oxford UK) ,  Chapel, Helen (Department of Immunology, Tissue Typing, Churchill Hospital, Oxford UK) ,  Yacoub, Magdi H (National Heart and Lung Institute (Imperial College) at Harefield Hospital, Harefield UK) ,  Rose, Marlene L (National Heart and Lung Institute (Imperial College) at Harefield Hospital, Harefield UK)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe aetiologies of accelerated or transplant-associated coronary artery disease (TxCAD) following cardiac transplantation and chronic rejection following renal transplantation remain ill-defined. Previous studies have used Western blotting to demonstrate an association between the formation ...

참고문헌 (37)

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