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[해외논문] Incidence of and risk factors for hepatitis A in Italy: public health indications from a 10-year surveillance

Journal of hepatology : the journal of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, v.26 no.4, 1997년, pp.743 - 747  

Mele, A. (aLaboratorio di Epidemiologia e Biostatistica, I.S.S., Universita di Torino,, , Italy) ,  Stroffolini, T. ,  Palumbo, F. ,  Gallo, G. ,  Ragni, P. ,  Balocchini, E. ,  Tosti, M.E. ,  Corona, R. ,  Marzolini, A. ,  Moiraghi, A. ,  SEIEVA Collaborating Group

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background/Aims: This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of and risk factors for acute viral hepatitis A (HAV) in Italy.Methods: Data were from a surveillance system for type-specific acute viral hepatitis (SEIEVA). To estimate the association of hepatitis A cases with the potential risk factors ...

참고문헌 (18)

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  18. Am J Gastroenterol Keefe 90 201 1995 Is hepatitis A more severe in patients with chronic hepatitis and other chronic liver diseases? 

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