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[해외논문] In vitro evaluation of a novel bioreactor based on an integral oxygenator and a spirally wound nonwoven polyester matrix for hepatocyte culture as small aggregates 원문보기

Journal of hepatology : the journal of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, v.26 no.6, 1997년, pp.1379 - 1392  

Flendrig, L.M. (aDepartment of Experimental Internal Medicine, University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center, ,, Amsterdam, The Netherlands) ,  la Soe, J.W. ,  Jorning, G.G.A. ,  Steenbeek, A. ,  Karlsen, O.T. ,  Bovee, W.M.M.J. ,  Ladiges, N.C.J.J. ,  te Velde, A.A. ,  Chamuleau, R.A.F.M.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background/Aims: The development of custom-made bioreactors for use as a bioartificial liver (BAL) is considered to be one of the last challenges on the road to successful temporary extracorporeal liver support therapy. We devised a novel bioreactor (patent pending) which allows individual perfusion...

참고문헌 (53)

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