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[해외논문] Calcium and the anionic polypeptide fraction (APF) have opposing effects on cholesterol crystallization in model bile

Journal of hepatology : the journal of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, v.27 no.4, 1997년, pp.707 - 715  

Konikoff, F.M. (Department of Gastroenterology, Sourasky Tel-Aviv Medical Center and Minerva Center for Cholesterol Gallstones and Lipid Metabolism in the Liver, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University,, , Israel) ,  de la Porte, P.L. ,  Laufer, H. ,  Domingo, N. ,  Lafont, H. ,  Gilat, T.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background/Aims: Cholesterol gallstones contain both calcium and biliary proteins, but their respective roles in gallstones pathogenesis are unknown. We have studied the effects of calcium and a major biliary protein, anionic polypeptide fraction, on the process of cholesterol crystallization in bil...

참고문헌 (39)

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