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[해외논문] Disruption of Semaphorin III/D Gene Causes Severe Abnormality in Peripheral Nerve Projection 원문보기

Neuron, v.19 no.3, 1997년, pp.519 - 530  

Taniguchi, M. (Laboratory of Neurobiology and Behavioral Genetics, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Myodaiji, Okazaki, 444,, Aichi, Japan) ,  Yuasa, S. ,  Fujisawa, H. ,  Naruse, I. ,  Saga, S. ,  Mishina, M. ,  Yagi, T.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The molecules of the collapsin/semaphorin gene family have been thought to play an essential role in axon guidance during development. Semaphorin III/D is a member of this family, has been shown to repel dorsal root ganglion (DRG) axons in vitro, and has been implicated in the patterning of sensory ...

참고문헌 (43)

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