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[해외논문] Acidic Sphingomyelinase Mediates Entry of N. gonorrhoeae into Nonphagocytic Cells 원문보기

Cell, v.91 no.5, 1997년, pp.605 - 615  

Grassmé, Heike (Max-Planck-Institut fü) ,  Gulbins, Erich (r Biologie, Abteilung Infektionsbiologie, Spemannstrasse 34, 72076 Tü) ,  Brenner, Birgit (bingen, and Max-Planck-Institut fü) ,  Ferlinz, Klaus (r Infektionsbiologie, Abteilung Molekulare Biologie, Monbijoustrasse 2, 10117 Berlin, Germany) ,  Sandhoff, Konrad (Physiologisches Institut, Universitä) ,  Harzer, Klaus (t Tü) ,  Lang, Florian (bingen, Gmelinstrasse 5, 72076 Tü) ,  Meyer, Thomas F. (bingen, Germany)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractInvasion of human mucosal cells by N. gonorrhoeae via the binding to heparansulfate proteoglycan receptors is considered a crucial event of the infection. Using different human epithelial cells and primary fibroblasts, we show here an activation of the phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholip...

참고문헌 (64)

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