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[해외논문] An Anaphase Calcium Signal Controls Chromosome Disjunction in Early Sea Urchin Embryos 원문보기

Cell, v.92 no.2, 1998년, pp.193 - 204  

Groigno, Laurence (Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Medical SchoolNewcastle Upon Tyne NE2 4HHUK) ,  Whitaker, Michael (Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Medical SchoolNewcastle Upon Tyne NE2 4HHUK)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractA transient increase in intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i occurs throughout the cell as sea urchin embryos enter anaphase of the first cell cycle. The transient just precedes chromatid disjunction and spindle elongation. Microinjection of calcium chelators or heparin, an InsP3 rece...

참고문헌 (69)

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