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[해외논문] Glutamate Receptor GluR3 Antibodies and Death of Cortical Cells 원문보기

Neuron, v.20 no.1, 1998년, pp.153 - 163  

He, X.-P. (Epilepsy Research Laboratory, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, , North Carolina 27710,, Durham, USA) ,  Patel, M. ,  Whitney, K.D. ,  Janumpalli, S. ,  Tenner, A. ,  McNamara, J.O.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Rasmussen's encephalitis (RE), a childhood disease characterized by epileptic seizures associated with progressive destruction of a single cerebral hemisphere, is an autoimmune disease in which one of the autoantigens is a glutamate receptor, GluR3. The improvement of some affected children followin...

참고문헌 (26)

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