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[해외논문] Use of famciclovir to prevent HBV reactivation in HBsAg-positive recipients after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation

Journal of hepatology : the journal of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, v.28 no.3, 1998년, pp.359 - 368  

Lau, G.K.K. (Department of Medicine Queen Mary Hospital,, , Hong Kong) ,  Liang, R. ,  Wu, P.C. ,  Lee, C.K. ,  Lim, W.L. ,  Au, W.Y.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background/Aims: Reactivation of chronic hepatitis B viral infection causes significant morbidity and mortality after bone marrow transplantation. Recently, nucleoside analogues, such as famciclovir, were found to have a direct suppressive effect on hepatitis B virus replication in both in vitro and...

참고문헌 (39)

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