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[해외논문] Imprinting and the Initiation of Gene Silencing in the Germ Line 원문보기

Cell, v.93 no.3, 1998년, pp.309 - 312  

Surani, M.Azim (Wellcome CRC Institute of Cancer, Developmental Biology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QR, United Kingdom)

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참고문헌 (21)

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이 논문을 인용한 문헌

  1. Ikeda, R. ; Nishida, T. ; Watanabe, F. ; Shimizu-Saito, K. ; Asahina, K. ; Horikawa, S. ; Teraoka, H. 2008 "Involvement of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein-β (C/EBPβ) in epigenetic regulation of mouse methionine adenosyltransferase 1A gene expression" The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology, 40(9): 1956~1969

  2. Ravindra, Anish ; Weiss, Kerstin ; Simpson, Robert T. 1999 "High-Resolution Structural Analysis of Chromatin at Specific Loci: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Silent Mating-Type Locus HMRa" Molecular and cellular biology, 19(12): 7944~7950

  3. Endres, Matthias ; Meisel, Andreas ; Biniszkiewicz, Detlev ; Namura, Shobu ; Prass, Konstantin ; Ruscher, Karsten ; Lipski, Andreas ; Jaenisch, Rudolf ; Moskowitz, Michael A. ; Dirnagl, Ulrich 2000 "DNA Methyltransferase Contributes to Delayed Ischemic Brain Injury" The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 20(9): 3175~3181

  4. BALADA, EVA ; ORDI‐ROS, JOSEP ; VILARDELL‐TARRÉS, MIQUEL 2007 "DNA Methylation and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus" Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1108(1): 127~136

  5. Balada, Eva ; Ordi-Ros, Josep ; Serrano-Acedo, Silvia ; Martinez-Lostao, Luis ; Rosa-Leyva, Maria ; Vilardell-Tarrés, Miquel 2008 "Transcript levels of DNA methyltransferases DNMT1, DNMT3A and DNMT3B in CD4+ T cells from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus" Immunology, 124(3): 339~347

  6. Dvoran, Michal ; Nemcova, Lucie ; Kalous, Jaroslav 2022 "An Interplay between Epigenetics and Translation in Oocyte Maturation and Embryo Development: Assisted Reproduction Perspective" Biomedicines, 10(7): 1689~

  7. John, Rosalind M. 2022 "In support of the placental programming hypothesis: Placental endocrine insufficiency programs atypical behaviour in mothers and their offspring" Experimental physiology, 107(5): 398~404

  8. Zhu, Jia-Qiao ; Liu, Jing-He ; Liang, Xing-Wei ; Xu, Bao-Zeng ; Hou, Yi ; Zhao, Xing-Xu ; Sun, Qing-Yuan 2008 "Heat Stress Causes Aberrant DNA Methylation of H19 and Igf-2r in Mouse Blastocysts" Molecules and cells, 25(2): 211~215

  9. Tentschert, S. ; Greisenegger, S. ; Wimmer, R. ; Lang, W. ; Lalouschek, W. 2003 "Association of Parental History of Stroke With Clinical Parameters in Patients With Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack" Stroke, 34(9): 2114~2119

  10. Huang, Qionglin ; Wen, Juan ; Chen, Guangzhao ; Ge, Miaomiao ; Gao, Yihua ; Ye, Xiaoxia ; Liu, Chunan ; Cai, Chun 2016 "Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Inhibited Tumor Growth via Preventing the Decrease of Genomic DNA Methylation in Colorectal Cancer Rats" Nutrition and cancer, 68(1): 113~119

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