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[해외논문] Multiple Roles for Hepatocyte Growth Factor in Sympathetic Neuron Development 원문보기

Neuron, v.20 no.5, 1998년, pp.835 - 846  

Maina, F. (School of Biological and Medical Sciences, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, KY16 9TS,, Fife, United Kingdom) ,  Hilton, M.C. ,  Andres, R. ,  Wyatt, S. ,  Klein, R. ,  Davies, A.M.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We have studied the role of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)/Met signaling in the development of sympathetic neuroblasts and neurons. Anti-HGF antibodies reduced the number of sympathetic neuroblasts that differentiated into neurons, but neither anti-HGF antibodies nor HGF affected neuroblast prolifer...

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