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[해외논문] The Nematode Degenerin UNC-105 Forms Ion Channels that Are Activated by Degeneration- or Hypercontraction-Causing Mutations 원문보기

Neuron, v.20 no.6, 1998년, pp.1231 - 1241  

Garcia-Anoveros, J. ,  Garcia, J.A. ,  Liu, J.D. ,  Corey, D.P.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Nematode degenerins have been implicated in touch sensitivity and other forms of mechanosensation. Certain mutations in several degenerin genes cause the swelling, vacuolation, and death of neurons, and other mutations in the muscle degenerin gene unc-105 cause hypercontraction. Here, we confirm tha...

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