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[해외논문] Bacteriophage DNA Packaging : RNA Gears in a DNA Transport Machine 원문보기

Cell, v.94 no.2, 1998년, pp.147 - 150  

Hendrix, Roger W. (Pittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260, USA)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (16)

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이 논문을 인용한 문헌

  1. Hawkins, Dorothy E D P ; Bayfield, Oliver W ; Fung, Herman K H ; Grba, Daniel N ; Huet, Alexis ; Conway, James F ; Antson, Alfred A 2023 "Insights into a viral motor: the structure of the HK97 packaging termination assembly" Nucleic acids research, 51(13): 7025~7035

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  8. Serwer, Philip 2022 "A Perspective on Studies of Phage DNA Packaging Dynamics" International journal of molecular sciences, 23(14): 7854~

  9. Sun, Siyang ; Kondabagil, Kiran ; Gentz, Petra M. ; Rossmann, Michael G. ; Rao, Venigalla B. 2007 "The Structure of the ATPase that Powers DNA Packaging into Bacteriophage T4 Procapsids" Molecular cell, 25(6): 943~949

  10. Bleker, Svenja ; Sonntag, Florian ; Kleinschmidt, Jürgen A. 2005 "Mutational Analysis of Narrow Pores at the Fivefold Symmetry Axes of Adeno-Associated Virus Type 2 Capsids Reveals a Dual Role in Genome Packaging and Activation of Phospholipase A2 Activity" Journal of virology, 79(4): 2528~2540

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