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[해외논문] KCNQ4, a Novel Potassium Channel Expressed in Sensory Outer Hair Cells, Is Mutated in Dominant Deafness 원문보기

Cell, v.96 no.3, 1999년, pp.437 - 446  

Kubisch, C. ,  Schroeder, B.C. ,  Friedrich, T. ,  Lutjohann, B. ,  El-Amraoui, A. ,  Marlin, S. ,  Petit, C. ,  Jentsch, T.J.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Potassium channels regulate electrical signaling and the ionic composition of biological fluids. Mutations in the three known genes of the KCNQ branch of the K+ channel gene family underlie inherited cardiac arrhythmias (in some cases associated with deafness) and neonatal epilepsy. We have now clon...

참고문헌 (43)

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