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[해외논문] Oral ciprofloxacin after a short course of intravenous ciprofloxacin in the treatment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: results of a multicenter, randomized study

Journal of hepatology : the journal of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, v.33 no.4, 2000년, pp.564 - 569  

Terg, Rubén (Rubé) ,  Cobas, Sergio (n Terg, Unidad de Hepatologí) ,  Fassio, Eduardo (a, Hospital Bonorino Udaondo, Caseros 2061(1264), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tel: 541 14 306 7362. Fax: 54114 306 2033.) ,  Landeira, Graciela (Unidad de Hepatologia, Hospital Bonorino Udaondo, Buenos Aires, Argentina) ,  Ríos, Beatriz (Hospital A, Posadas, Buenos Aires, Argentina) ,  Vasen, Walter (Hospital A, Posadas, Buenos Aires, Argentina) ,  Abecasis, Raquel (Hospital de Neuqué) ,  Ríos, Héctor (n, Universidad del Salvador, Argentina) ,  Guevara, Mónica (Unidad de Hepatologia, Hospital Bonorino Udaondo, Buenos Aires, Argentina)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractBackground/Aims: Oral quinolones have been suggested as treatment of cirrhotic patients with uncomplicated spontaneous bacterial peritonitis. To evaluate the efficacy of oral quinolones in all patients with this complication, oral ciprofloxacin after a short course of intraveneous (i.v.) cip...


참고문헌 (31)

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