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[해외논문] Pre-core mutant infections in the Canadian Inuit

Journal of hepatology : the journal of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, v.33 no.5, 2000년, pp.781 - 784  

Minuk, Gerald Y (G Y Minuk, Liver Diseases Unit, GF407, Health Sciences Centre, 820 Sherbrook Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3A 1R9, Canada Tel 204 787 4662 Fax 204 775 4255) ,  Orr, Pamela S (Liver Diseases Unit, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada) ,  Brown, Rosemay (Keewatin Regional Health Board Canada) ,  Macdonald, Sharon (Northern Medical Unit, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada) ,  Chaudhary, Rabinda K (Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) ,  Temple, Paula (Liver Diseases Unit, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractBackground/Aims: Previous cross-sectional data suggested that chronic hepatitis B viral (HBV) infections in the Canadian Inuit were inactive. The aim of this study was to confirm these findings and document the prevalence of the subsequently described “pre-core mutant” variant ...


참고문헌 (22)

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