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International journal of modern physics. A, Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology, v.15 no.29, 2000년, pp.4623 - 4654  

CHENAGHLOU, A. (Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, UK)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The one loop quantum corrections to the classical reflection factor of the sinh-Gordon model are calculated partially for general boundary conditions. The model is studied under boundary conditions which are compatible with integrability, and in the framework of the conventional perturbation theory...

참고문헌 (21)

  1. Arinshtein, A.E., Fateyev, V.A., Zamolodchikov, A.B.. Quantum S-matrix of the (1 + 1)-dimensional Todd chain. Physics letters: B, vol.87, no.4, 389-392.

  2. Mikhailov, A. V., Olshanetsky, M. A., Perelomov, A. M.. Two-dimensional generalized Toda lattice. Communications in mathematical physics, vol.79, no.4, 473-488.

  3. Corrigan, E., Dorey, P.E., Rietdijk, R.H., Sasaki, R.. Affine Toda field theory on a half-line. Physics letters: B, vol.333, no.1, 83-91.

  4. Corrigan, E., Dorey, P. E., Rietdijk, R. H.. Aspects of Affine Toda Field Theory on a Half Line. Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement, vol.118, 143-164.

  5. Bowcock, P., Corrigan, E., Dorey, P.E., Rietdijk, R.H.. Classically integrable boundary conditions for affine Toda field theories. Nuclear physics, B, vol.445, no.2, 469-500.

  6. FUJII, Akira, SASAKI, Ryu. Boundary Effects in Integrable Field Theory on a Half Line. Progress of theoretical physics, vol.93, no.6, 1123-1133.

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  8. Fring, A., Koberle, R.. Affine Toda field theory in the presence of reflecting boundaries. Nuclear physics, B, vol.419, no.3, 647-662.

  9. Gandenberger, Georg M.. On a2(1) reflection matrices and affine Toda theories. Nuclear physics, B, vol.542, no.3, 659-693.

  10. Delius, G.W., Gandenberger, G.M.. Particle reflection amplitudes in an(1) Toda field theories. Nuclear physics, B, vol.554, no.1, 325-364.

  11. Perkins, Michael, Bowcock, Peter. Quantum corrections to the classical reflection factor in a2(1) Toda field theory. Nuclear physics, B, vol.538, no.3, 612-630.

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  13. CORRIGAN, E.. ON DUALITY AND REFLECTION FACTORS FOR THE SINH-GORDON MODEL WITH A BOUNDARY. International journal of modern physics. A, Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology, vol.13, no.16, 2709-2722.

  14. Kim, J.D. Boundary reflection matrix in perturbative quantum field theory. Physics letters: B, vol.353, no.2, 213-221.

  15. Topor, Nadia. Perturbation Method for Boundary S-Matrix in 2D Quantum Field Theory. Modern physics letters A, vol.12, no.38, 2951-2962.

  16. Braden, H.W., Corrigan, E., Dorey, P.E., Sasaki, R.. Affine Toda field theory and exact S-matrices. Nuclear physics, B, vol.338, no.3, 689-746.

  17. GHOSHAL, SUBIR. BOUND STATE BOUNDARY S MATRIX OF THE SINE-GORDON MODEL. International journal of modern physics. A, Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology, vol.9, no.27, 4801-4810.

  18. GHOSHAL, SUBIR, ZAMOLODCHIKOV, ALEXANDER. BOUNDARY S MATRIX AND BOUNDARY STATE IN TWO-DIMENSIONAL INTEGRABLE QUANTUM FIELD THEORY. International journal of modern physics. A, Particles and fields, gravitation, cosmology, vol.9, no.21, 3841-3885.

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  20. Faddeev, L.D., Korepin, V.E.. Quantum theory of solitons. Physics reports, vol.42, no.1, 1-87.

  21. Zamolodchikov, Alexander B. Factorized S-matrices in two dimensions as the exact solutions of certain relativistic quantum field theory models. Annals of physics, vol.120, no.2, 253-291.

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