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[해외논문] Democratic citizenship in the curriculum: some problems and possibilities 원문보기

Pedagogy, culture & society, v.8 no.3, 2000년, pp.323 - 346  

Garratt, Dean

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (48)

  1. Arnot, Madeleine. 'Gendered Citizenry': new feminist perspectives on education and citizenship. British educational research journal, vol.23, no.3, 275-295.

  2. Youth, Racism and Ethnicity in South London Back L. 1992 

  3. The Guardian Baldwin P. 9 1999 

  4. Batho, Gordon. The history of the teaching of civics and citizenship in English schools. The Curriculum journal, vol.1, no.1, 91-100.

  5. Radical Hermeneutics - repetition, deconstruction, and the Hermeneutic Project Caputo J. 1987 

  6. Carr, Wilfred. Education for citizenship. British journal of educational studies, vol.39, no.4, 373-385.

  7. Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools - final report of the Advisory Group on Citizenship Crick B./QCA 1998 

  8. Crick, B. Keynote speech at conference on Citizenship Education and the Secondary School Curriculum. June16. Manchester Metropolitan University. 

  9. Citizenship Today - the contemporary relevance of T. H. Marshall Dahrendorf R. 1996 

  10. The National Curriculum and its Assessment: final report Dearing R. 1993 

  11. The Review of the National Curriculum in England - the Secretary of State's proposals 1999 

  12. No Problem Here: a practical approach to education and ‘race’ in white schools Gaine C. 1988 

  13. Still No Problem Here Gaine C. 1995 

  14. British Journal of Curriculum and Assessment Garratt D. 13 4 1994 

  15. Garratt, D. and Robinson, J. Reconceptualising Environmental Education: values or action. April10-11. paper presented to the Values and the Curriculum Conference, London: Institute of Education. 

  16. Citizenship Today - the contemporary relevance of T. H. Marshall Giddens A. 1996 

  17. New Directions in Educational Leadership Goodson I. F. 1984 

  18. Hargreaves, A. and Macmillan, R. Balkanised Secondary Schools and the Malaise of Modernity. San Francisco, California. paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, 

  19. Curriculum Journal Hargreaves D. 33 2 1991 10.1080/0958517910020104 

  20. The Civic Ideal in World History, Politics and Education Heater D. 1990 

  21. Citizenship and Social Theory Hindess B. 1993 

  22. Education, Autonomy and Democratic Citizenship - philosophy in a changing world Indabawa A. S. 1997 

  23. The Cambridge Social History of Britain 1750-1950 Joyce P. 2 1990 

  24. Empire to Welfare State - English history 1906-1967 Lloyd T. O. 1970 

  25. Lockwood, David. For T. H. Marshall. Sociology, vol.8, no.3, 363-367.

  26. Education Mackenzie C. 374 1990 

  27. The Sociology of War and Peace Mann M. 1987 

  28. Citizenship Today - the contemporary relevance of T. H. Marshall Mann M. 1996 

  29. Citizenship and Social Class and Other Essays Marshall T. H. 1950 

  30. Citizens Growing Up 1949 

  31. Racism in Society and Schools: history, policy and practice Mullard C. 1980 

  32. Race, Power and Resistance Mullard C. 1985 

  33. Curriculum Guidance 8: education for citizenship 1990 

  34. Nisan, Mordecai. Personal Identity and Education for the Desirable. Journal of moral education, vol.25, no.1, 75-83.

  35. The Foundation of Citizenship Oliver D. 1994 

  36. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice Osler A. 47 3 1997 10.1080/1354060970030104 

  37. Beyond Equality and Difference: citizenship, feminist politics and female subjectivity Pateman C. 1992 

  38. The Teaching of Politics 1969 

  39. Citizenship Today - the contemporary relevance of T. H. Marshall Rees A. M. 1996 

  40. Defining the Curriculum: histories and ethnographies Reid W. A. 1984 

  41. Curriculum Rowe D. 74 19 1998 

  42. Citizenship Today - the contemporary relevance of T. H. Marshall Runciman W. G. 1996 

  43. Aristotle on Moral Responsibility Sauvé meyer S. 1993 

  44. Black Masculinities and Schooling: how Black boys survive modern schooling Sewell T. 1997 

  45. Handbook for History Teachers Thompson D. 1962 

  46. Citizenship and Social Theory Turner B. S. 1993 

  47. Economic Awareness Wallace G. 8 5 1993 

  48. Whitty, Geoff, Rowe, Gabrielle, Aggleton, Peter. Subjects and themes in the secondary‐school curriculum. Research papers in education, vol.9, no.2, 159-181.

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