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[해외논문] Treatment of epilepsy in the multiply handicapped

Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews, v.6 no.4, 2000년, pp.309 - 323  

Pellock, John M. (Division of Child Neurology, Department of Neurology, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, and Pharmaceutics, MCV Hospitals and Physicians, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, Richmond, Virginia) ,  Morton, Lawrence D. (Department of Neurology, MCV Hospitals and Physicians, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, Richmond, Virginia)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The medical management of epilepsy in the multi-handicapped patient requires careful evaluation, classification, and pharmacologic treatment. It is estimated that 20–40% of patients with mental retardation and cerebral palsy have epilepsy. This review reports the clinical trial data and person...

참고문헌 (198)

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